Frequently Asked Questions

What is hypnosis?

  • Hypnosis is the bypass of the critical factor and the establishment of acceptable selective thinking.  In layman’s terms, hypnosis works through focused attention, allowing suggestions and information to connect with your subconscious mind, accessing your limiting beliefs so that true changes can be made. 

How many sessions are required?

  • The number of sessions required are determined during the initial intake. Each treatment plan is individualized and tailored to the specific client’s needs

How long is each session?

  • The length of each session varies between 1 - 1.5 hours and is dependent on the client’s individualized treatment plan

Why do some people not get hypnotized?

  • People who find it hard to enter hypnosis are often resistant to it as they’re not comfortable with a perceived loss of control

Do I lose control and wake up unaware of what I’ve done?

  • No! During hypnosis, you are in a deeply relaxed state, but you are never asleep and always safe and in control. Even in the very deepest levels of hypnosis, you can open your eyes at any time.

Is Hypnosis scary?

  • No. In fact, hypnosis is a very normal state, and many of us have multiple moments of hypnotic states. Highway hypnosis is a great example of this - this is when you are driving down the highway but either completely lose track of time or all of a sudden realize you’re at your destination but can’t really remember anything in between during their drive

Can anyone be hypnotized?

  • Anyone of normal intelligence can be hypnotized.  However, anyone very resistant to hypnosis will likely not receive the outcome they are looking for.  All suggestions during hypnosis have to be welcomed and received by the individual

Are you asleep during hypnosis?

  • No.  Hypnosis puts you into a deep, relaxed state with your eyes closed; however, you are not asleep.  In fact, if you fall asleep, hypnosis cannot work!