5-PATH Hypnotherapy is an emotionally based therapy focusing on 5 phases of advanced transformation hypnosis. A hypnotherapist with a certification in 5-PATH Hypnotherapy means they have undergone advanced hypnosis training and certification, allowing them to go far beyond what most hypnotists do in a hypnosis session.

Each session is customized for you while using the 5-PATH Hypnotherapy System. You’ll work together as you neutralize any old limiting beliefs, emotions or habits that have been causing you not to be as successful as you would like regarding the issues you want to work on.

The 5 phases that your 5-PATH Hypnotherapist will take you through are designed to improve the success of each subsequent phase. It’s important to note that these phases do not equate to the number of sessions. More than one session may be necessary before moving on to the next phase.

1 - Direct suggestion with convincers

This first phase is designed to inform you of the hypnosis phases while using direct suggestion techniques to improve the probability of a successful direct suggestion session and instill confidence that you can use hypnosis for the issue you want to work on.

2 - Age regression

Every single issue a person struggles with has an origin. It’s important to understand the event you experienced as a child now causing challenges for you as an adult. During this phase, we focus on satisfying the emotion connected to this experience, so it’s no longer negatively impacting you as an adult. 

This phase allows your subconscious mind to be in a state of heightened suggestibility, increasing the probability of success. 

3 - Forgiveness of other’s work

This phase is focused on removing anger aimed at the contributors of the problem you are working through. For example, the contributors could be a parent, abuser, etc. If anger and guilt surrounding the issue are not resolved, this can manifest as coping behaviours in later years. Through forgiveness, you’ll learn to release the anger and ties to the emotions regarding the situation/issue you are working on so you can put the past experience behind you and finally move on.  

4 - Forgiveness of self-work

Once you’ve forgiven others, it’s time to forgive yourself for past mistakes and decisions surrounding the experience you’re working through. In harbouring feelings of anger towards yourself, you’ll continue to feel unworthy of true and complete forgiveness. By working on removing useless guilt and forgiving yourself, you can finally feel like you are being set free. This phase will help you walk away feeling like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

5 - Parts meditation work

Many clients won’t need this last phase as it specifically deals with secondary gain issues. It is here for clients who will not heal or completely respond to hypnosis. If a problem persists after all phases have been completed, it usually points to a secondary gain. A secondary gain is a benefit you’re still receiving from the issue. Part of you wants the problem gone, but part of you still sees the benefits in the issue, no matter how painful it is to you. This phase builds agreements between the parts of the self that are in conflict but uncover issues and focus on a win-win situation. The new agreements include doing more beneficial or healthy behaviours in the future.