What Is Hypnosis?

When many think of Hypnosis, they picture someone under a “spell,” completely unaware of what they are doing or have done. 

Although this misconception is spawned from how Hollywood portrays Hypnosis, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Hypnosis is a tool to help change behaviours by getting to the root cause of your issue(s). Through relaxation and focused attention, you enter into a state of concentrated awareness, allowing suggestions and information to connect with your subconscious mind, accessing your limiting beliefs so that true changes can be made. 

And unlike what you see in the movies, you are always safe and in control, able to open your eyes at any time. But you’ll quickly realize that the more relaxed you become, the more you let go and the deeper the changes you can create. 

Hypnosis helps everyday people with everyday issues by allowing them to reconnect with their feelings and emotions, rather than trying to push them aside. It helps to interpret the language of our feelings so that we can respond to our feelings with positive actions that will benefit our lives.

Hypnosis is much more common than you think, and we naturally enter into hypnotic states regularly. Have you ever been driving and suddenly realize you missed your exit, having no idea how you could drive that far without remembering much of anything? This is an example of Highway Hypnosis, where your attention is focused on something other than driving (for instance, an event that happened at work that day or a song that is playing on the radio).

Many deep-rooted issues are buried in our subconscious, and trying to deal with them at a conscious level is only scratching the surface. Hypnosis allows you to bypass your conscious mind's blocks, tapping into the subconscious where your emotions are stored.

And because our feelings and emotions are constantly guiding us, many people can feel overwhelmed by them and prefer to deny, suppress or distract themselves from these emotions. But when we do this, we create space for any issues we are facing to magnify. For many of us, this is an unconscious process, and we are unaware of why we experience various challenges, doubts, fears, and negativity. Through hypnosis, we’re able to get to the root of these issues at the subconscious level, so we can begin to make long-lasting changes.

Whether you are looking to stop addictive behaviours, increase your confidence, release overwhelm and stress, eliminate fears and phobias or lose weight, Hypnosis is a powerful tool that goes well beyond the surface, addressing the traumas and limiting beliefs deep in your subconscious, resulting in much faster change.  

While in a state of Hypnosis, your subconscious mind will be highly receptive to suggestions and changes that you feel are appropriate for you. You remain fully in control and will only accept suggestions you truly want.

And a qualified Hypnotist will work with you continuously during each session, shifting and pivoting as they receive cues from their client during the session, with the ultimate goal of creating lasting changes that help you get back to your true, aligned state.

Hypnosis can help with a wide variety of issues, including:

  • Weight Control

  • Drug Addiction

  • Smoking Cessation

  • Alcoholism

  • Medical/Dental Procedures

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Fear of Flying/Heights

  • Overwhelm/Stress

  • Pain Management

  • Insomnia

  • Feeling Overwhelmed

  • PTSD

  • Self Confidence

  • Teeth Grinding/Jaw Clenching

  • Cancer/Chemo/Radiation

  • Sales

  • Time Management

  • Test Taking/Study Habits

  • Apprehensions

  • Tension Headaches

  • Pre/Post Surgery

  • Motivation

  • Vertigo

  • OCD

  • Jealousy

  • Anger

  • Nervous Ticks

  • Memory Improvement

  • Learning/ADD

  • Sports Improvement

  • Stuttering

  • Nail Biting/Picking

  • Procrastination

  • Job Interview Anxiety

  • Panic Attacks

  • IBS

  • Gambling

  • Migraines

  • Habit Control