Human Design readings

Looking to understand more about your own unique design?

Human Design can be overwhelming, with a wealth of information available. A 1:1 reading with a certified Human Design Coach can help you decipher your design and give you more details and practical information about how to apply your design, strategy and authority in real life.

Human Design Readings

Decipher your design

A 60-minute 1:1 Human Design reading designed to give you a fundamental understanding of the core aspects of your design including your gifts, strengths, challenges, and areas susceptible to conditioning


A 90-minute Human Design reading designed to give you more details and information on finding alignment and compatibility in business and relationships, through identifying signs and synchronicities

Soul Purpose

An in-depth 90-minute reading designed to delve deep into your true purpose on this earth, as you learn about stepping into your role as a multi-sensory being instead of relying only on your 5 senses