Addictions are automatic functions we do without thinking. To address them, you must communicate with the part of you that automatically runs that addictive process.

If you’ve ever struggled with an addiction or behaviour you wanted to change, but no matter what you’ve tried, you can’t seem to overcome it, you’re not alone.

Addictions such as social media or TV binging, pornography, smoking, drinking, overeating, sugar addictions or using drugs are extremely common and often overlooked. 

These behaviours are difficult to overcome because we learn them so well, we do them without thinking.  It’s similar to learning how to read, write, walk and breathe. These become automatic functions that we do without thinking as if we create a part of us that runs the process for us. They become subconscious actions that we’re not even aware of.

When it comes to addictions or behaviour we want to change, the issue is that when we try to “forget” about doing the addictive behaviour, we may be able to focus and do it for a while, but the minute we get distracted and lose focus, we go back to doing it again. This is because the behaviour is part of our subconscious. It’s like trying to ‘unlearn’ how to walk or tie your shoelaces. 

Hypnosis allows you to not only get to the root of what has caused the behaviour in the first place, it allows you to communicate with the part of you that automatically runs that process and get it to do something else that is more beneficial.

One thing to remember is that to change any of these addictions or behaviors, you have to WANT to change them.  Hypnosis is only as powerful as your desire to change.  But if you can find a big enough why, you can find the how.


If we ignore our emotions tied to past experiences, situations from the past, present and future can trigger us, which may result in undesirable behaviour.