If we ignore our emotions tied to past experiences, situations from the past, present and future can trigger us, which may result in undesirable behaviour.

Unresolved emotions are like a volcano, where these emotions can bubble and boil until they finally need to release and explode.

And for many people, these unresolved feelings from experiences in the past, present or future can crop up when least expected. Since these emotions sit with us subconsciously, we can be unaware when present state triggers cause these emotions to bubble back up inside us. These triggers can include changes we didn’t anticipate, losing a loved one or perceived failures.

These unresolved emotions, in turn, will continue to bubble and boil, and we often try to suppress these emotions by distracting behaviours that temporarily help but never make a lasting difference in how we feel. 

These distractions can include overeating, overworking, watching too much TV, becoming too involved in social media, always going out, using alcohol or drugs, or simply staying busy so you don’t need to sit with your feelings. For some it manifests as weight gain, stress, society overwhelm and detachment from family and friends. 

Hypnosis helps address these unresolved emotions, getting to the root of what caused the feelings in the first place and learning how to satisfy them so they are no longer triggered. This can have a profound impact and lasting change, allowing you to begin living a stress and anxiety-free life. 


Addictions are automatic functions we do without thinking. To address them, you must communicate with the part of you that automatically runs that addictive process.


The link between stress and unresolved memories and emotions from the past