The link between stress and unresolved memories and emotions from the past

Stress is often connected to deep-seated emotions, usually rooted in past experiences. And when stress strikes, it can manifest in many ways, ranging from headaches and upset stomachs to emotional turmoil.

If the stress is temporary, the symptoms will also likely be temporary. But if the stress is chronic, it can lead to much more serious health issues. That’s why it’s so important to understand what underlying issues are triggering your stress.  

When we are unaware of the underlying connections, we may find ourselves getting triggered, frustrated, or sad without understanding why. And often, we turn to band-aid solutions and common distractions such as alcohol, drugs, overworking and staying busy to divert our attention from what is causing our stress.

But the reality is “memories and emotions from the past are activated when a current event resonates with them.” Meaning our current state of stress may be tied to memories from the past that have become intertwined with our emotions. These past experiences can manifest as stress and quickly overwhelm us without us realizing why.

Through hypnosis, we can explore and address these unresolved emotions from the past. By reframing and satisfying those emotional wounds, we can detach ourselves from their triggers. So what once used to stress us and cause physical and emotional symptoms no longer have the same hold over our well-being.


If we ignore our emotions tied to past experiences, situations from the past, present and future can trigger us, which may result in undesirable behaviour.


Unsatisfied emotions are like landmines. When we suppress them, they may be triggered and activated. When we address them, they are diffused and deactivated.