Unsatisfied emotions are like landmines. When we suppress them, they may be triggered and activated. When we address them, they are diffused and deactivated.

When emotions from our past are not dealt with, they are like landmines waiting to go off, and one wrong step activates the explosion. When we suppress our emotions from the past, they cascade into the present, carrying with them behaviours associated with an earlier event when we were children.  When suppressed emotions from childhood are activated in adulthood, we end up acting like children and being reactive vs responsive. 

Learning how to respond to your emotions provides the tools necessary for dissolving old pent-up emotions from the past. When these emotions are dealt with and gone, the old feelings that once resonated and cascaded into the present will also be gone, and the cycle of overreacting will end. 

This is not a matter of forgetting the memory from the past. It's knowing that as harmful feelings fade, your personal history will become mere information devoid of emotional charge. When this happens, you'll be much more in control.

Through hypnosis, we learn to satisfy emotions from the past, so they don't resurface in our future. And as we do this, we deactivate the emotional landmines that are buried within us, so we cannot be triggered, thus preventing us from harming ourselves or anyone close by.


The link between stress and unresolved memories and emotions from the past


As adults, we need to create coping strategies more effective than the strategies we learned from childhood which taught us to pretend nothing was wrong and forget whatever happened