As adults, we need to create coping strategies more effective than the strategies we learned from childhood which taught us to pretend nothing was wrong and forget whatever happened

When we tell people we are fine, that we are okay, that there's nothing wrong. But then, turn around and find ourselves overworking, overeating or drinking (and normalizing how much of this we do); it begs the question… "is there really something wrong?". For some of us we're aware of where this pattern began. But for others, we are unaware of where we picked up these coping mechanisms.  

At a subconscious level, we have also forgotten the events that caused the emotions that activated those coping mechanisms. Many feel a form of temporary relief when they forget about past experiences and train themselves to be okay. What's out of sight is out of mind because if I can't see the problem, the problem must not exist.  

The truth is this method of approach will only result in more pain and suffering. As adults, we aren't meant to deal with our problems the way we deal with them as children. As adults, we need to create coping strategies more effective than the child's 'pretending and forgetting' strategies.  

We inflict pain upon ourselves when we deal with our challenges through pretending and forgetting. One who distracts, drinks, overworks, ignores and suppresses their emotions to cope is no different than an animal that devours its tail out of hunger.  

Through hypnosis, we learn to satisfy our emotions and release the behaviours causing us pain. We pierce through the veil and begin to see the abnormal behaviour in what we once thought was normal.


Unsatisfied emotions are like landmines. When we suppress them, they may be triggered and activated. When we address them, they are diffused and deactivated.


Your Emotions Are Your GPS