Your Emotions Are Your GPS

It's easy to feel frustrated and overwhelmed when we don't understand our feelings. You can start feeling trapped in a dark place with no light. 

However, when you understand that your feelings are an internal GPS, you see them as a guidance system that shines a light on your darkness. But when feelings of stress, anger, sadness, loneliness, frustration and depression go unaddressed for too long, they manifest into unwanted behaviours that limit your ability in work, life and relationships.

Some of us have grown up in environments where expressing sadness, fear and hurt were not allowed. Being told to"stop crying”, “you have nothing to cry about”, “get over it "," be a man” trains children to not express their feelings to avoid disapproval. And as a result, the child may deny this pain or anything that remotely resembles it. 

This type of denial can lead to suppression or repression, resulting in emotional pressure that will eventually find a way to surface, usually in the form of addiction, overwhelm, stress, low self-worth or feelings of lack. 

One of the primary benefits of hypnosis is its ability to help uncover repressed emotions while overcoming negative thought patterns and behaviours. 

During hypnosis, a therapist can suggest new ways of thinking and behaving to reframe past experiences in a more positive light. 


As adults, we need to create coping strategies more effective than the strategies we learned from childhood which taught us to pretend nothing was wrong and forget whatever happened


By forgiving others, we free ourselves