Do We Recognize When We’re Numbing Our Feelings?

How do you cope with your feelings?

Do you try to numb your feelings by turning to food, drugs or alcohol or staying busy with work? Well, you’re not alone.

By not properly dealing with emotions as a child, we can grow up pretending that there is nothing wrong, burying the “bad” feelings as a way to cope with them. 

But this will only work for so long.  As adults, we’ll often turn to outside sources as a way to comfort us and fulfill something that is missing inside. We do this so frequently that we normalize the habitual behaviour, thinking it’s ok. 

The problem is, this only temporarily masks the emotion before it comes back up the surface again.

Hypnosis can allow you to finally take back your life, claiming your emotions and working through them at a deep subconscious level, attacking the root of the issue.  


What Is Hypnosis?


The Secret Language Of Feelings