The Downside Of Denying Your Emotions

Many of us have grown up being taught to suppress our emotions.

Children are often told to “stop crying”. Men are often chastised for showing emotion other than anger (especially if they cry). Women are often told to “stop being so emotional”.

So we learn to deny our emotions, tamping them deep down inside us, so we don’t suffer from criticism or shame. But like a volcano, the emotions will come bubbling to the surface at some point. 

Using Hypnosis, we can guide you to recognize these buried emotions and how to satisfy them so you reframe the experience you had as a child, so it no longer affects you as an adult.

Once properly dealt with, you’ll begin to see your emotions as the way to reclaim your life, finally dealing with many issues, including self-defeating habits, lack of self-confidence, addictions and many more.


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