Why your distraction behaviours lead to frustration

We all have moments when we feel down - sad, mad, stressed, overwhelmed or lonely. And what do we often do? We look for something that makes us feel good temporarily.  Maybe it’s social media, food, spending money or overworking. These behaviours act as distractors, taking  our minds off what’s bothering us and focusing on something more neutral.

But these distractions create a vicious cycle and become ingrained habits.  We feel bad, so we distract ourselves. But distractions don’t address the root of the problem; they merely cover it up, and so we invariably feel bad again.  And if we continue these behaviours with no success, it just creates a new feeling of frustration, as their original issue still hasn’t been solved. 

That’s where hypnosis comes in.  It helps us to break free from these distracting behaviours by getting to the root of what's truly making us feel bad. Hypnosis can create lasting change by eliminating the distractions and helping you find true healing and relief.


By forgiving others, we free ourselves


Feelings - Our Internal Guidance System